K-12 Education Performance Management Solution

Providing a standardized method for collecting, cleansing, validating and consolidating K-12 education related data from different data sources.

Analytical cubes

Equipped with a range of k-12 education analytical cubes and dimensions to enable multi-dimensional data analysis of the k-12 education operational and academic data.


Providing validated Insights and recommendations for k-12 education reform based on k-12 education performance best practices and benchmarks.


Primarily delivered as a supported hosted service, educational institutions benefit from the significantly reduced implementation costs and minimal time-to-Launch.

Get in Touch

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PH 5, Level 16, Wisma UOA Damansara II
No.6 Jalan Changkat Semantan, Damansara Heights
Kuala Lumpur 50490

Give us a ring

+60 32011 9371
Mon - Fri, 9:00-17:00

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